Hi there, I have replaced the other message board with this one, because the other one had soo many popups it was driving me crazy. I hope you like this messageboard and find it easy to use. Please post any questions and I will try to answer them. And if you are a cloth user yourself please feel free to answer any questions and support another cloth users. If you have any comments or feedback on the site you can post it here for now, I will be setting up more specific areas for this forum for different types of query or information. Again if you want to suggest a possible area for the forum please feel free to post here. Passwords aren't necessary for the messageboard, unless it gets bombarded with spam, but if you would like a 'handle' or 'nom de plume' you can create a title and password. I hope this all make sense, but feel free to post any questions or email me at maisiemog@gmail.com Thank you Best Wishes Maisie Case